Sally Frye


Sally Frye



CF-L1 & L2

Gynmastic Certification

Burgener Strength

Weightlifting L1

AED Certified

First Aid/CPR Certified

Sally Frye has a passion for happiness and helping others reach their goals.  She has two sweet children with her husband Matt.  She is always happy to see everyone and likes the music loud!  Her classes are a real treat and a party even at 530AM

​Favorite CrossFit Movement? Pistols, thrusters, box jumps and burpees! 

Favorite WOD? Murph 

Favorite Memory? During Battle of the Ages, when Brent was going past his PR and told me to "put on 25's" it was so fun to see him get out of his comfort zone and hit his goal for our team! 

Comfort Food? Kale... lol! Donuts all the donuts! 

Superpower? To be able to heal everyone!

Don't Let the Clock Run Out

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